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Notes from the desk of Shane Dunne, software development consultant

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Setting up a Linux machine for JUCE development

This is just a page of semi-random notes at the moment.

I've been working with Linux Mint 19 “Tara”, Cinammon edition, 64-bit.

The Linux version of Projucer won't run without *libcurl3*, and to compile properly you'll need to install the *libasound2-dev* package.

Unfortunately, *libcurl3* is now outdated; the standard Ubuntu/Mint version is *libcurl4*. This is a problem because newer programs such as CLion won't run without *libcurl4*, and the two are mutually exclusive. However, Ubuntu developer Evgeny Brazgin has devised a way to use both simultaneously:

I had a bit of trouble installing *cmake* (but this might be due to having only *libcurl3*), so I found this page which gave the following recipe to force installation:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake -y
some_notes_on_linux_setup.1536687600.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/11 17:40 by shane